Text1.ru Olivia Holt - Today

Текст песни
Today is the greatest
Day I've ever known
Can't live for tomorrow
Tomorrow's much too long

I'll burn my eyes out
Before I get out

I wanted more
Than life could ever grant me
Bored by the chore
Of savings face

Today is the greatest
Day I've ever known
Can't wait for tomorrow
I might not have that long

I'll tear my heart out
Before I get out

Pink ribbon scars
That never forget
I tried so hard
To cleanse these regrets
My angel waits
We're bruised and restrained
My belly stains

Today is, today is
Today is the greatest, the greatest day
Today is, today is
Today is the greatest, the greatest day

Today is, today is
Today is the greatest, the greatest day

Today is
Today is
Today is

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