Text1.ru Children Of Bodom - Kissing The Shadows

Текст песни
High above yer shadow smiles at me
Way down below I hear you serenely breathe

I'm running after you throughout
The valleys of tormented souls,
Don't you be afraid of me only kissing your shadow
You're so far away, I can feel your scent,
When I caress your shadow,
And if you truly want I'll cross the line I'll follow

I'm dreaming my way out from down below
To get wherever you haunting from, I'll go...

I'm kissing the shadows you surround me with,
To feel my pain vanishing away from me
You're touching the shadows I'm surrounding you with,
So together in peace we shall be

I'm running after you throughout
The valleys of tormented souls,
Don't you be afraid of me only kissing your shadow
You're so far away, I can feel your scent,
When I caress your shadow,
And if you truly want I'll cross the line I'll follow

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