Text1.ru Ahab - Aeons Elapse

Текст песни
Strangely confused in my mind
Aeons elapsed in a blink of an eye
Slumber of utterly ravenous kind
Waters of forgetfulness: by and by ...

Vast desire to drift off to sleep
Yet trembling at the thought of it
Lest there be some terrific dream
Like burning charcoal in a pit

Like hundredfold calamities
Most ghastly and ferocious
Like misery and monstrosities.
Abandoned and forlorn

Bed myself in waves of disquietude
Bed myself in a multitude of gloom
Bed myself in pernicious solitude
Bed myself in foreboding doom

I feel gray and leafless
My roots concealed in morass
Dreary water lies intense and black
Skeleton arms waving to and fro
Crying to the silent waters of mercy
In the shrill and piercing accents
Of the most acute agony and despair

Bed myself in waves of disquietude
Bed myself in a multitude of gloom
Bed myself in pernicious solitude
Bed myself in foreboding doom

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