Text1.ru Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Shuffle Your Feet

Текст песни
Time won't save our souls
Time won't save our souls
Time won't save my soul... no

When everything is going down
Nothing seem to feel same
No one seem to know my name
No one seem to go my way

But who knows if I'll see you again
But who knows if I'll see you again

One before the soul mate dreamers
One before the wicked man
One before the peaceful protest
That keeps the war in demand

Who knows if I'll see you again
Who knows if I'll see you again

Time won't save our souls
Time won't save my soul
Time won't save our souls
Time won't save my soul

I never thought I'd see it coming
I never thought I'd ever know
Nothing seems to take me over
Nothing seems to let me go

Who knows if I'll see you again
Who knows if I'll see you again

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