Text1.ru Brantley Gilbert - One Hell Of An Amen

Текст песни
Preacher said he died too young
Over there toting that gun
For Uncle Sam and our freedom
Mom and daddy dressed in black
They folded up that flag,
Handed it to dad and started praying

Yeah he went out with 21 guns blazing

And that's one hell of an amen,
That's the only way to go,
Fighting a good fight
Until the good Lord calls you home
So be well my friend until I see you again,
This is our last goodbye,
It's a hell of an amen

Doctor said he ain't got long,
He just smiled, said "Bring it on!
If you think I'm scared, you got it all wrong
A little cancer can't break me,
My heart's right and I believe"
We all hit our knees, started praying

No he never gave up, just said "The good Lord's waiting"

And that's one hell of an amen,
That's the only way to go,
Fighting a good fight
Until the good Lord calls you home
So be well my friend until I see you again,
Yeah, this is our last goodbye,
It's a hell of an amen

So be well my friend until I see you again,
Yeah, this is our last goodbye,
It's a hell of an amen

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